Humane Farming

How can type and image be used to tell a story about food justice?

Humane Farming


This was a semester-long project that focused on creating printed materials based on animal rights within the food industry, specifically dealing with the impact that factory farming has on animal welfare. The final design solution uses bold type, engaging and startling images, and flat graphic elements to unravel the truth behind these industries.

Humane farming, storybook spread
Humane farming, storybook spread
Humane farming, storybook spread
Humane farming, storybook spread
Humane farming, poster deisgn

Designer Statement

As designers we have the tools to tell a story that goes beyond the written content. Combining type and image is an intricate process that can create something powerful. The transition between visuals can help guide the cadence of the story just as much as the words itself, through design we can lead a viewer to a phrase or word, and direct the eye on how and where to look to the next part in a story. I enjoyed writing this story, as well as creating the visuals to go along with it. Adobe Photoshop was used and honed heavily throughout this project.


Applications Used

Photoshop logoInDesign Logo