The Water Crisis

How can motion design be used to create awareness about a global issue?

The Water Crisis


The global water crisis is a topic that is seemingly forgotten in water-rich areas such as the United States, yet our small daily actions can make impacts that reach far beyond our borders. This project uses motion in order to take facts and research on a serious topic, and to bring it together into a compelling story that creates awareness.

The water crisis - process book page
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The Water Crisis
4 Minutes
The water crisis - process book pageThe water crisis - process book pageThe water crisis - process book pageThe water crisis - process book pageThe water crisis - process book pageThe water crisis - process book pageThe water crisis - process book pageThe water crisis - process book pageThe water crisis - process book pageThe water crisis - process book pageThe water crisis - process book pageThe water crisis - process book pageThe water crisis - process book pageThe water crisis - process book pageThe water crisis - process book page

Designer Statement

Motion design is by far one of the most complex forms of design, due to the fact that its foundation lies in one story, where time, type, images, video, and graphics come together to speak it. I had a lot of fun with the my subject mater; water, and utilized that motif as the foundation for my data visualization. I wanted the water to tell the story, with a subtle theme of revealing truths, giving it an underlying detective feel. I researched, wrote, and recorded the script for this story, then designed it via After Effects and Premier.


Applications Used

Illustrator LogoAfter Effects LogoPremier Pro LogoProcreate Logo