
How can a high-protein ice cream company be a driving force for good nutrition?


Web, Packaging, Print, Branding

Xfrost is a high-protein ice cream company that wanted a visual system that caused nutrition to feel premium yet accessible to all. With a wide audience range, from young to old, pureed diets to fitness buffs, Xfrost is a brand that strives to make nutrition fun and easy to understand across all ages. The solution was a system that feels hip, a little wacky, but always caring. The brand puts nutritional comprehension at the forefront, giving you the information you need in a way that everyone can digest.

Xfrost ice cream packaging
Xfrost ice cream case
Xfrost ice cream, spoon with lid
Xfrost ice cream 4.5oz cup packaging
Xfrost ice cream pint packaging
Xfrost ice cream, 4 pack ice cream box concepts - with store rendering
Xfrost ice cream, 4 pack ice cream box concepts
Xfrost ice cream coffee beauty shot
Xfrost ice cream beauty shot
Xfrost ice cream beauty shot
Xfrost ice cream beauty shot
Xfrost ice cream chocolate beauty shot

Designer Statement

My time at Xfrost taught me how to develop and create a brand out of a single essence, and to drive that brand forward through multiple media types: packaging, web, and print-based materials, all while creating assets that felt cohesive with individualistic variety. I learned how to create in-house mockup assets (photorealistic photoshopped renderings) for the Pint and the 4.5oz Cup. I also learned how to take images of a subject matter that would inevitably melt. In a sense, I worked with what I had and pushed the boundaries of what I knew by learning and exploring.


Applications Used

Illustrator LogoInDesign LogoPhotoshop logoAdobe XD logoWebflow LogoTrello Logo

Documentation Books